I have been missing from my blog for some time now.  I needed to express my energies right now before I go insane.  In 2019 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer that metastasized to my liver.  This was the biggest blow to my life I can ever imagine.  Cancer was the last thing I thought I would ever have but then again who thinks of cancer being apart of their life.  I went to the emergency room thinking “This must be food poisoning”  or anything else besides cancer.  When I and my wife learned this was shocked and in disbelief.  The doctor came and told us this with the saddest,  most disheartening look on his face like he was so sad he had to say this to anyone.  I’m sure it was hard on him but I was sitting there trying to process what he was saying to me because I surely know he just didn’t say that I had cancer and stage 4 at that.  This May of 2019.

From May 2019 to about July 2019 was I was in the hospital and off of work.  I started chemotherapy as soon as I found I had cancer.   We found a chemo treatment that was targeted for specific cancer that I have.  This was happening every three weeks.  I was fine, going to treatment and work.  I had made the best of my situation.  During this time I was going to treatment, the cancer was shrinking in my liver and was continuing to go to work. This was a time I kept my positive vibes up and stayed away from anything that was negative.  I decided that now I don’t have time for crazy shit in my life. Not trying to be mean or sound mean but fuck your feelings mines are more important.  We all are going to die but knowing that it may come sooner because of a medical condition makes you rethink a lot of things about life.  I want to live as long as I can but it really makes you think about your life and family.

2020 comes along.  Welcome COVID 19 to the picture. Now we can’t go outside besides me going to work.  The last day I was at work was March 30.  March 31 I had a seizure, which scared the crap out of my wife.  I had a seizure and then put on a ventilator till April 3 not knowing if I will make it or wake up.  Then I had five days of radiation.  At this time it was not known if cancer moved to my brain.  During this time I was scared as shit. No visitors and not knowing my full situation was so crazy.  Come home on April 6 to living a new life.  The radiation made me feel worse than just doing chemo.  I have morphine to take, who takes morphine? I received an update from my oncologist on my PET scan that I recently did and found out that there is a new spot in my liver, cancer was found in my spinal cord, neck., and in my lower back.  This explains the pain I have been having. So now we not allowed to go anywhere which doesn’t help someone who is trying to get and be better.  We are making the most of our situation. I just needed to get some things off my chest.  I will return. #ONELOVE #CANCERSUCKS #FUCKCANCER

Fenton Johnson, America’s First Radical Poet

Alexander Jacobs --- writer, strategist, sapien.

The following is a transcript of a talk I gave at the Poetry Foundation on September 14th, 2017. I, along with Richard Guzman, Haki Madhubuti, Vida Cross, and Don Evans inducted Johnson into the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame. 

Fenton Fenton Johnson

Fenton Johnson was born in 1888 and matured during one of the most turbulent eras in American history. These were the years when the modern global finance system, consumer capitalism, and technological innovation were turning the world on its head. In the short 26 years from when Johnson was born to when he published his first collection poetry in 1913, the United States had weathered six international financial panics, had grown into a military empire, and had been completely upended by electrification, the telephone, the phonograph, the radio, the automobile, the airplane, and the motion picture industry. The scale of daily American life was simultaneously shrinking and expanding in…

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Nobody on Hillary Clinton’s staff read her ‘personal’ emails before they deleted them

This what I’m talking about. How can you get away with something like this or make some excuse that is valid only to the “guilty” one? I guess. How can everyone forget about that one loophole that no one knew. It wouldn’t be such news if it wasn’t suspect in the first place.

America's Watchtower

hillary66 Hillary Clinton admitted that roughly 30,000 of the emails she sent from her personal email server while performing State Department business were deleted because they were personal in nature and were unrelated to official business. I do not doubt that this is the case in some circumstances; it would be hard to believe that she did not use this server for personal reasons and I think even the biggest Clinton hater would have to admit this. 

  We just have to trust her when she says no official government emails were deleted and that is where I have a problem, especially with the new revelation that nobody actually read the so-called personal emails before they were deleted.

  Here is more:

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Made it to another post for this week.  We live in such a backward ass country.   I”m starting to wonder where we are heading as a nation.  I just can’t make sense of how this place functions.  I truly want to see people wake up from this fantasy and realize that things have to change.  Change for the better.  Change that helps everyone.  There are so many issues going on in America and the world that I have to step back and just observe.  Observe what is happening…Observe where we went wrong….Observe how we can get to a better place….

I have my personal opinions along with everyone else of how we need change and should change.  Now is a time for action. Time for moving forward.   Time to stop talking and time to start doing.  This is the only way.  More than 50 years ago we fought for rights with a small amount of people to rally the rest.  Now we we have more than enough to stir not only the masses but the ones who feel they are in charge.  In a sense the minority is the majority..and once we all realize it there will be no stopping us… MOVING FORWARD TODAY

Comic Book Girl

Great read…

Donalyn Miller

While I was out of town last month, our 16-year old daughter, Sarah, had a reading emergency. She told me the story over dinner when I came home, “Mom, my English teacher assigned us an independent reading project.”

I leaned in, whole body listening, “Hmm. What are the guidelines for the project?”

Once a teacher, always a teacher. I can’t help it. I wanted to know how “independent” this independent reading project was.

Sarah ticked off the requirements, “It has to be a book we haven’t read…”

We’re good so far. That’s a reasonable expectation.

She continues, “The book has to be 200 pages long.”

Whew, The Catcher in the Rye just makes the cut at 224 pages. Sorry, Of Mice and Men, you’re too short. Arbitrary rules like this one communicate to kids that teachers think students are lazy and hate to read, and they go for the…

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